Mobile app for class 320 Kistock data loggers
Operating systems
Kimo’s Kistock Mobile application allows to remotely read measurements and control data loggers.
- Remotely control your Class 320 Kistock data logger
- Display measurements as a graph
- Configure an unlimited fleet of devices
- Directly visualise measurements via wireless connection
- Edit and save measurements analysis under .pdf format
Categories: Data loggers, HVAC Measuring instruments, Instrumentation, Software & Apps
Remote LED Displays
Temperature / Hygrometry / Atmospheric pressure KPA 320
Impermeability special manometer for gas network MP 130
Si-CPE320 Multifunction panel transmitter
The Sauermann Si-CPE320 is an evolution of the KIMO CPE 310.
For clean rooms applications, the Si-CPE320 transmitter is flush mountable to avoid disturbing the working environment. It is equipped with a highgrade stainless-steel waterproof front panel with an integrated touch screen.
Equipped with the same technologies as the Si-C320, this panelmounted version provides state-of-the-art reliability and accuracy.
In addition, measurements can be recorded and downloaded via the Sauermann Control application/software.
Si-CPE320: Optional wireless communication module
Si-CPE320-W: Integrated wireless communication module