Remote LED Displays

Higher Reliability, Faster Installation, Superior Accuracy | Sense the Difference
3 1/2 digit LED
Choose Red, green, or blue
Adjustable zero and span

  • Fits standard single or double gang boxes (depending on version)
  • Accepts 0-10V input signal
  • Pre-cut vinyl labels provided with temperature, pressure, humidity for each display ordered.
  • Factory scaled; user adjustable zero and span

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This a really attractive, super bright LED display for your control applications. Available in single or dual versions, it's low profile and rugged. You also get pre-cut vinyl labeling for humidity, temperature, and pressure. Adjustable zero/splan.

  • Provides users with valuable visual verification of humidity and/or
  • temperature status
  • Process control feedback, including pharmaceutical, food, and coating applications

Power supply

12-30VDC/24VAC (1), 40mA max. (per display)

Signal input range



Factory set for customer application
Field adjustable zero and span

Display type

3-1/2 digit LED; Red, Green, or Blue


+/-1% F.S. +/- 2 counts

Sampling Rate

3 / second

Input Impedance

100k ohm

Operating Temperature

32-122oF (0-50oC)

  1. One side of transformer, secondary is connected to signal common. Dedicated transformer is recommended.