P6 Universal Nema 4 Pressure Sensor

Higher Reliability, Faster Installation, Superior Accuracy | Sense the Difference
0-5”, 15”, and 40” W.C. ranges; 10 selectable sub-ranges
0-1250, 3750, and 10000 Pa ranges; 10 selectable sub-ranges
LCD display and LED indicator
Nema 4X enclosure (Duct/port version)

  • Selectable 4-20 mA loop-powered, 4-20 mA 3-wire, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC for compatibility
  • 10 field selectable pressure ranges to address a wide range of applications with high resolution
  • Field selectable Pa or WC” display
  • Zero calibration push button and remote contact input
  • Models for duct or remote probe applications
  • Selectable fast/slow response rate (2s fast, 8s slow)
  • Non-position sensitive for easy placement
  • Conduit ready or use included water tight cable gland
  • LED: Power heartbeat, ,momentary rapid flash = autozero complete, continual rapid flash = 110% over pressure

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The P6 universal dry media pressure transmitter accurately measures multiple ranges optimized for building (zone) pressure, filter measurement, and static duct applications. Selectable outputs and uni/bi directional readings reduce inventory. Conduit ready Nema 4 enclosure for harsh environments.
  • Building (zone) pressure
  • Filter condition measurement
  • Duct/static
  • Wash down environments

Power Supply

12-30VDC/24VAC (1), 30mA max.

Output type

Selectable outputs

4-20 mA loop powered, 4-20 mA 3-wire, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC

Output scaling

Max range
(selectable sub ranges)

0-5” (0.1/0.25/0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3/4/5”wc),
0-1250Pa (25/50/125/250/375/500/625/750/1000/1250 Pa)
0-15” (0.25/0.5/1/2.5/3/4/5/8/10/15”wc)
0-3750Pa (50/125/250/625/750/1000/1250/2000/2500/3750 Pa)
0-40” (1/2.5/5/8/10/15/20/25/30/40”wc)
0-10000Pa (250/625/1250/2000/2500/3750/5000/6250/7500/10000 Pa)

Operating Temperature

Operating range
Compensated range

-4 to 140F (-20 to 60ºC) -4 to 140F (-20 to 60ºC)

Media compatibility

Dry, oil-free air, N2

Sensor Type

MEMS silicon piezoresistive; precision calibrated

Sensor Performance

Zero Tolerance
Span Tolerance (3)
Zero Drift (1 year)
Auto-zero input
Thermal Shift (Zero and Span)
Max Static Line Pressure
Burst Pressure
Position Sensitivity
Auto-zero input

±1.0% of selected range
Included in accuracy specification
0.004”WC/year max. 0.4% for units >0.5”w.c.
Push-button and contact closure
0.02% FSO/ºC (0.01%FSO/ºF) measured from 22ºC (72ºF)
up to 5” models: 41.5”w.c.; 10” models: 133”w.c.; 25” models: 332”w.c.
up to 5” models: 41.5”w.c.; 10” models: 133”w.c.; 25” models: 332”w.c.
up to 5” models: 83”w.c.; 10” models: 166”w.c.; 25” models: 415”w.c.
Non-position sensitive
Push-button and N.O. contact closure

Response Rate


Fast = 2 seconds, slow = 8 seconds






UL94 5VB
4.0”h x 3.7”w x 2.1”d

(1) One side of transformer secondary is connected to signal common. Dedicated transformer is recommended.
(2) Accuracy includes non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability at 70ºF.
(3) Span tolerance is ±1% ±0.005inWC for models less than 0.10inWC or equivalent pressure range.